There are different study materials available in textbook or eBook formats to help student in their CBSE exams. Importance of NCERT Solutions in CBSE Examinations All questions given in the exercise are solved as per the CBSE guidelines Prepare good notes for these books and try to learn the concepts and its application.Īcademic team of Physics Wallah uploaded NCERT Solutions for Class 6. Use only one textbook and try to complete it thoroughly with solving all the questions and example. Use of Multiple textbooks: All type of students refers to same books but the only difference is how a student shows his approach.If you copy the solutions then you will never clear yours concepts which will end up in failure, so before taking help from the NCERT solution make sure you have attempted it multiple times. Dont use NCERT solutions immediately: Students must understand that the questions given in the exercise is to check the knowledge and concept.These sheets will not only help you in final revision but also helps in upcoming classes. Try to make a mind map for each chapter which are having all the important formulas. Formula Sheet: Make a separate notebook for Maths formulas and Science formulas.If you can’t note it down then just mark it in the Textbook, it will help you in the final revision.

These book not only helps you to score good marks in your school exam but also makes you ready for the upcoming entrance exam like NTSE, JEE and NEET.īooks are written in such a way that your concepts will improve a lot and help you to build a solid base in subject like Maths and Science.Īll important points related to Maths and Science are covered extensively intext books. And the subjects for Class 11 and 12 it mainly covers Physics, Chemistry and Biology. To increase the learning of students who are in class from 6 to 12, NCERT created their textbook for all the subjects which includes subjects like Maths, Science, English, and Hindi up to Class 10.